TMC MicroHabitat 15L Polyp Video

Here’s a video of the tank with the first polyp corals added.

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New polyps added

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TMC MicroHabitat live rock and coral added

More pictures of the tank setup

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TMC Microhabitat 15L Nano Marine Tank

So, Christmas money pooled and I have purchased a new Marine Tank.  It’s not massive but only 15L.

Nice when it’s boxed, but I think with all the things that are part of it, it might get messier……

Neat from the front anyway

and pretty neat from the back. Almost shocked

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Changed the lights

tank with new lights

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Been a while – latest pictures

So it’s been a while, but the tank is looking very established now.  I have kept a lot the same, but moved a few plants around and am getting into trying plants onto things.  The vertical mopani wood at the back has some annubias and java fern on them and the rock bridge also has some java fern.  They seem to do really well like this.  There’s also a new Crypt behind the redline torpedo barb and I have put an extra amazon sword in the middle at the back.  I am going to brave getting some red plants again as last time I had them, I wasn’t using Carbon at all – I am dosing about 15ml of easycarbo per day and I think it makes a massive difference.

Iain's Tank

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Baby Guppies

Only about 20 of the little blighters!!!

I noticed that the pregnant female guppy was getting a _lot_ of attention from my single male guppy and she kept hovering still and moving her fins very quickly, so I decided to get her out and into the breeding trap. Think I did it in time because within the next 30 minutes she had given birth to about 20 babies. Left her for another 40 minutes and she seemed to get a bit agitated and hadn’t given birth to anymore so assume she is done.

Guppy Fry

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New Blue Dwarf Gourami

Looks like my discus have given up the ghost, never found their bodies though, so I have gone and gotten a couple of dwarf blue gourami. They are both males, but I think they seem to be getting along ok with each other, there are plenty of spaces for them to run and hide anyway.

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Fish at last!!

First arrivals – I have added 2 Golden Gourami, 2 Torquise Discus (not shown in the video as they are very shy), 3 Redline Torpedo Barbs, 3 Clown Loaches, 2 Silver Sharks and 11 Neon Tetras. All settling in pretty well and feeding quite happily. In fact the gourami’s were looking for food about 5 minutes after being introduced to the tank – started taking algae off the plants right away 🙂

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Tank Day 10

Ok, so the bamboo plant was pretty gubbed, it went all brown and when I pulled it out it was pretty much brown in the middle.  It was like the fountain plants as well when they arrived – moral of the story is that post delivered plants are great value and you have to accept that not all of them are going to survive the hardship.  That said, I’ve only lost about 5 out of 150 so far, so not bad going really.

So, today I replaced a few plants.  The bamboo plant went and is replaced with two green plants (I really should get their names) in the back left of my tank, there’s a new green plant tipped with red in the middle (I do a close-up on it in the vid) and I also have added a taller twisted valis behind the mini one on the right hand side in front of the heater and inlet.  They weren’t bad at all and look quite nice – picked them up today in my local acorn pet store who are having a 33% off everything deal at the moment.  Pretty odd promotion, just goes to show what their normal operating margin is to be honest.  I’m aslo going to stock up on medications while the offer is on.  I’ll add the video when vimeo has finished processing it 🙂

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